A montagem abaixo foi feita por Ricardo Goulart, Ilustrador, morador do Rio de Janeiro, que graciosamente enviou-a para o Conselho SteamPunk como contribuição.
Dom Pedro II
Dom Pedro II era um homem ilustrado e um apaixonado pelas inovações dos homens da ciência, invenções, escritores de ficção científica e instituições correlatas.
A ilustração de Ricardo Goulart faz mais sentido do que pode parecer, uma vez que, a 1858, Dom Pedro II mantinha correspondência com personalidades importantes como Nietzsche, Emerson, Lewis Carrol e Julio Verne, sendo amigo pessoal de Victor Hugo e do grande astrônomo Camille Flamarion.
Dom Pedro II foi o responsável pelas melhorias e reorganização do Observatório Nacional, que acabou sendo considerado importante centro de pesquisas, o que deixou evidente o interesse do imperador pela astronomia.
Se não encontrou Tesla, Dom Pedro II bem que gostaria de tê-lo encontrado, uma vez que foi o primeiro Brasileiro a fazer uso de um telefone, em 1876, quando da exposição do aparelho, na Filadélfia, por Alexander Graham Bell.
Pedro II foi, inclusive, financiador do engenho, divulgando o invento, sabidamente tendo citado Shakespeare através do dispositivo dizendo “Ser ou não ser”, para depois exclamar, “Esta coisa fala!”
Nikola Tesla e A Arma de Raios Mortais
Já o envolvimento de Nikola Tesla (biografia) com a Arma de Raios Mortais remonta a 1893, depois de suas pesquisas acerca do Gerador Eletrostático de Van de Graaff, que usava uma cinta geradora de alta voltagem, Tesla começou a fazer uso do mesmo conceito para gerar cargas colossais, substituindo a cinta por uma corrente de ar ionizada para repelir micro-bilhas de tungstênio.
A evolução do conceito acabou se transformando no projeto de um Gerador Eletrostático gigantesco que se utilizava de suas turbinas para acelerar reduzidas partículas de mercúrio até que estas se transformassem em uma torrente de projéteis carregados eletricamente com milhões de volts.
Tesla tentou comercializar sua invenção, primeiramente oferecendo-a aos ingleses por cerca de três milhões de dólares e, posteriormente, oferecendo-a a Liga das Nações sem sucesso, conseguindo vender a arma para a União Soviética, finalmente, por vinte e cinco mil dólares – mas jamais entregando-a.
Em suas palavras, “A arma envia feixes concentrados de partículas através do Éter, carregadas com tamanha energia que é capaz de aniquilar uma frota de dez mil aeroplanos inimigos a uma distância de 250 milhas das fronteiras nacionais, e sendo capaz de causar a obliteração de um exército de milhões em meio a um ataque”.
Antes de se tratar de uma arma de ataque, contudo, a idéia do inventor era, segundo ele, que “Esta invenção inviabilizasse as guerras. O Raio da Morte cercaria cada país com uma barreira invisível completamente impenetrável. Isto tornaria, portanto, impossível o ataque de uma nação por aeroplanos ou invasões de grande escala com exércitos.”
Há controvérsias quanto a Tesla ter ou não construído a arma, mesmo tendo trabalhado no conceito por mais de 30 anos, mas em evento em sua honra, aos 81 anos, Nikola Tesla falou sobre o assunto, afirmando que “Não se trata de um experimento… Eu a construí, demonstrei e usei! Preciso de pouco tempo para entregá-la ao mundo.”
“Death Ray” For Planes
The New York Times – 22 de Setembro de 1940
Nikola Tesla, one of the truly great inventors who celebrated his eighty-fourth birthday on July, 10 tells the writer that he stands ready to divulge to the United States government the secret of his “teleforce,” of which he said,” airplane motors would be melted at a distance of 250 miles, so that an invisible ‘Chinese Wall of Defense’ would be built around the country against any enemy attack by an enemy air force, no matter how large.
This “teleforce” is based on an entirely new principle of physics, that “no one has ever dreamed about,” different from the principles embodied in the in his inventions relating to the transmission of electrical power from a distance, for which he has received a number of basic patents. This new type of force Mr. Tesla said, would operate through a beam one- hundred-millionth of a square centimeter in diameter, and could be generated from special plant that would cost no more then $2,000,000 and would take only about three months to construct.
A dozen such plants, located at strategic points along the coast, according to Mr. Tesla, would be enough to defend the country against all aerial attack. The beam would melt any engine, whether diesel or gasoline driven, and would also ignite the explosives aboard any bomber. No possible defense against it could be devised, he asserts, as the beam would be all-penetrating.
High Vacuum Eliminated
The beam, he states, involves four new inventions, two of which already have been tested. One of these is a method and apparatus < section not legible eliminating the need for a "high vacuum;" a second is a process for producing "very great electrical force;" third is a method of amplifying this force, and the fourth is a new method for producing "a tremendous repelling electrical force." This would be the projector, or the gun of the system. The voltage for propelling the beam to its objective, according to the inventor, will attain a potential of 80,000,000 volts.
With this enormous voltage, he said, microscopic electrical particles of matter will be catapulted on their mission of defensive destruction. He has been working on this invention, he added, for many years and has made a number of improvements on it.
Mr. Tesla makes one important stipulation. Should the government decide to take up his offer, he would go to work on it at once, but they would have to trust him. He would suffer "no interference from experts."
In ordinary times such a condition would very likely interpose an insuperable obstacle. But times being what they are, and with the nation getting ready to spend billions on national defense, at the same time taking in consideration the reputation of Mr. Tesla as an inventor who always was many years ahead of his time, the question arises whether it may not be advisable to take Mr. Tesla at his word and commission him to go ahead with his "teleforce" plant.
In ordinary times such a condition would very likely interpose an insuperable obstacle. But times being what they are, and with the nation getting ready to spend billions on national defense, at the same time taking in consideration the reputation of Mr. Tesla as an inventor who always was many years ahead of his time, the question arises whether it may not be advisable to take Mr. Tesla at his word and commission him to go ahead with his "teleforce" plant.
Such a Device "Invaluable"
After all $2,000,000 would be relatively a very small sum compared with what is at stake. If Mr. Tesla really fulfills his promise the results achieved would be truly staggering. Now only would it save billions now planned for air defense, by making the country absolutely impregnable against any air attack, but it also would save many more billions in property that would otherwise be surely destroyed no matter how strong the defenses are as witness current events in England.
Take, for example, the Panama Canal. No matter how strong the defense, a suicide squadron of dive bombers, according to some experts, might succeed in getting through and cause such damage that would make the Canal unusable, in which our Navy might find it self bottled up.
Considering the probabilities in the case even if the chances were a 100,000 to 1 against Mr. Tesla the odds would still be largely in favor of taking a chance of spending $2000,000. In the opinion of the writer, who has known Mr. Tesla for many years and can testify he still retains full intellectual vigor, the authorities in charge of building national defense should at once look into the matter. The sum is insignificant compared to the magnitude of the stake.
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